Playful Patchwork
Happy, Colorful, and Irresistible Ideas and Instructions for Modern Piecework, Appliqué, and Quilting
Suzuko Koseki
Playful Patchwork is a collection of useful, fun, and creative patchwork projects organized by piecework techniques. It’s perfect for the sewing novice, or someone looking to improve his or her sewing skills. Step-by-step instructions and photo examples provide practical lessons on piecework, appliqué, and quilting, all while inspiring your creativity! You’ll find instructions on how to make:
- pincushions and handbags using straight line piecework
- coasters and a tea cozy using curved-line piecework
- a purse and pillow made with appliqué
- assorted quilting projects
You will also find tips on selecting fabrics, guides to stitching, patchwork terms, the correct tools to use, and more.
Paperback • 128 pages • 8 ¼ x 10 ¼ in (210 x 260 mm)