Decorative Papercutting
Instructions and Patterns for 150 Intricate Cutouts
Akiko Murooka
Create lovely and playful paper cutouts to adorn and delight, with this collection of 150 decorative papercutting designs and projects. Try your hand at creating sweet and whimsical paper flowers, animals and snowflakes. Playfully snip and fold for paper borders, doilies, and stand-alone ornamental cutouts. Holiday motifs and designs for special occasions are included.
Instructions and pattern templates for each project are provided along with folding and cutting techniques for all designs. See what you can create with a few folds and snips. Have fun adding paper cutouts to your decorative mix and special occasions all year round.
Paperback • 112 pages • 8 ¼ x 10 ¼ in (210 x 260 mm)